Student Handbook: Roles and Responsibilities

Title IX Coordinator

It is the responsibility of the Title IX Coordinator to: (1) ensure the College’s compliance with Title IX; (2) identify and address any patterns or systemic problems of sexual misconduct at the College; (3) coordinate dissemination of information and education and training programs; (4) receive complaints under this policy; (5) assist members of the College Community in understanding that sexual misconduct is prohibited by this policy; (6) answer questions about this policy; (7) ensure that employees and students are aware of the procedures for reporting and addressing complaints of sexual misconduct; and (8) to implement the Complaint Resolution Procedures or to designate appropriate persons for implementing the Complaint Resolution Procedures. The Deputy Title IX Coordinator will assist the Title IX Coordinator in carrying out these responsibilities.

Administrators, Deans, Department Chairs, and Other Managers

It is the responsibility of administrators, deans, division chairs, and other managers (i.e., those that formally supervise other employees) to:

  • Inform employees under their direction or supervision of this policy.
  • Work with the Title IX Coordinator to implement education and training programs for employees and students.
  • Implement any corrective actions that are imposed as a result of findings of a violation of this policy.


Throughout this policy, the term “employees” includes all faculty, staff, and administrators. It is the responsibility of employees to review this policy and comply with it.


It is the responsibility of students to review this policy and comply with it.

The College

When the College is aware that a member of the College Community may have been subjected to or affected by conduct that violates this policy, the College will take prompt action, including a review of the matter and, if necessary, an investigation and appropriate steps to stop and remedy the sexual misconduct. The College will act in accordance with its Complaint Resolution Procedures.