Phi Theta Kappa Officers Participate in Retreat

Phi Theta Kappa Officers Participate in Retreat

The officers of the Eta Gamm Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa at Coffeyville Community College met on February 13-14 for the annual spring officer retreat.  Site for the retreat was Rowdy’s Rustic Moose Lodge, 1131 West Country Road, Columbus, Kansas.  Hosts for the event were Delbert and Sheryl Rowden.  Upon arrival, the chapter officers were treated to cookies and beverages.  The focus of the retreat was selection of the Chapter’s new Honors in Action project.  As an introduction to the Honors in Action process, officers looked at an over-view, discussed learning outcomes, explored the Honors in Action guide, examined Honors in Action tips, and shared ways in which the Honors in Acton project could be customized to the Eta Gamma Chapter.  Members also discussed the topic overview essay, How the World Works:  Global Perspectives.

Chapter officers then advocated for each one of the eight themes under the over-all topic:  Myth and Reality, Individuals and Collectivism, Rights and Responsibilities, Peace and War, Beauty and Vulgarity, Natural and Engineered, Innovation and Replication, and Nostalgia and Pathos.  The officers selected their top three themes.  After much discussion, theme five, Beauty and Vulgarity was selected.  After further discussion, “How do worldly standards of beauty reflect the criteria established by a particular society or culture?” was selected as a research topic for the next year.

The retreat also highlighted a guest speaker, Mrs. Jean Pritchett from the Columbus Chamber of Commerce who shared the history, festivals, and economic base of the Columbus area.  She extended a special invitation to the Coffeyville Community College students to attend the October 7-9 Hot Air Balloon Regatta and the balloon glow at dusk on Friday the 7th.

The Eta Gamma officers will be participating in the Kansas/Nebraska Region Phi Theta Kappa Convention March 4-6 at Kansas State University, Manhattan, where chapter officer Karen Sue McKenzie, will be a candidate for region president.