CCC Phi Theta Kappa, Eta Gamma Chapter to Host events to benefit Earthquake Relief for Turkey and Syria

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Coffeyville Community College’s Phi Theta Kappa, Eta Gamma Chapter will be spearheading efforts to raise funds to benefit Turkey and Syria earthquake relief efforts. The students of the Eta Gamma Chapter plan to host a semi-formal for current CCC Students on campus on April 21, 2023.

As a pillar of Phi Theta Kappa, the Eta Gamma chapter continues to study global issues worldwide. To assist in this charitable giving, the chapter will be working with community organizations to secure donations, event planning, and sponsoring the semi-formal for the CCC students.

“This fundraiser and the work behind it is to bring attention not only to the PTK members but to the community and local attention to a humanitarian crisis that has largely faded from the wider media attention. In terms of thinking about our Institutional SLOs, effective communication, critical thinking, problem-solving (how do we raise money?) career readiness all apply to the larger goals of this project. Also, the benefit to the larger community is that they can see we’re working to make our students well-rounded global citizens, not just focused on academics but also on good civic behavior. For students who aren’t members of PTK, this event shows that you can give to a cause and have a good time,” said PTK Advisor & English teacher Melissa Gunby.

The organization that the Phi Theta Kappa members choose to donate to is World Central Kitchen, which spends about 2% of its budget on overhead, effectively using 98% of its contributions on programming.

Students attending the semi-formal will be admitted for an entry fee of $5, and those funds will go to World Central Kitchen to help with Turkey and Syria Earthquake relief.

If community members would like to make a donation or help defer the cost of the dance, please get in touch with Melissa Gunby at [email protected]