Eta Gamma Officers Hold Retreat

Eta Gamma Officers Hold Retreat

Twelve officers of the Eta Gamma Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society at Coffeyville Community College held their spring semester officer retreat at Rowdy’s Rustic Moose Lodge and Cabins on the lake at Columbus, Kansas.  The event was held February 20-21.  The purpose of the retreat was to focus attention on the selection of a new Honors in Action Project, the College Project which is selected with input from the college president, and the spring semester chapter calendar.

The retreat’s first work session was held in the Moose Lodge and featured member initiatives and leadership development.  Phi Theta Kappa’s Mission Statement whose “purpose is to recognize and encourage scholarship among two-year college students” served as the foundation for chapter discussion of Active Member Requirements and Eta Gamma Five Star Member Enhancement Program.  The officers voted to reinstate the Member Enhancement Program and coordinate with the Five Star Competitive Edge Program.  To get better acquainted members participated in an ice-breaker, “This is My Friend.”  Members also discussed “Make Your Scholarship Application Shine” which featured techniques to make scholarship applications more competitive.

After a refreshment break, officers focused upon chapter team building through activities such as “Eagles, Beavers, and Bunnies” which identified leadership style and a “Core Values Exercise” which helped members to recognize individual values of highest priority.  Dinner was prepared by Sheryl Rowden and served at the lodge.  Following dinner, alumni member Eric Mueller introduced members to the art of Acroyoga.  Guest speaker for the evening was Jean Pritchett, Director of the Columbus Chamber of Commerce staff. Ms. Pritchett shared the early history of Columbus, area resources, and the annual “Hot Air Balloon Regatta and Columbus Day Festival” which will be held October 9-11, 2015.

Work Session #3 was an introduction to the Honors in Action Project with each officer advocating for one of the nine themes of the over-all topic, “Frontiers and the Spirit of Exploration.”  Brainstorming and discussion followed each theme.  At the conclusion of the session, three themes were selected to be voted upon the following morning.  The evening was spent with the Phi Theta Kappa Quiz Bowl, board games, and other fellowship activities.

Following breakfast at the cabins, members participated in the final work session which featured chapter initiatives with a discussion of the College Project, the 2015 Five Star Chapter Development Plan, and chapter goals and upcoming events.  The chapter selected, “How Does Assistive Technology Enhance the Health and Quality of Life of Those with Special Needs?” as their 2015 Honors in Action Topic.

Participating in the week-end retreat were:  Dezirae Hamrick, Danika Burton, Linelle Wilson, Allyson Walker, Colter Comstock, Rayanndra Garoutte, Eric Mueller, Sara Lumm, Erasmo Tejeda, Trinnie Bush, Heather Rogers, and advisor, Linda McFate.  The next officer meeting will be March 2, at 5:30 p.m. in the Phi Theta Kappa Office on the CCC Campus.  The next general membership meeting will be March 23, at 5:30 p.m. in room 107 Weinberg Hall.