Ashley Lundblade as Mama and Cheyenne Burgett as Jessie perform a scene from 'night Mother. Both students are from Wichita, Kansas.
Coffeyville Community College Theatre will present 'night Mother by Marsha Norman as a Reader's Theatre presentation in the Spencer/Rounds Theatre February 7, 8 and 9 at 7:30 p.m. The production runs eighty minutes, is free to the public and rated PG-13.
The play is being directed by CCC English/Theatre instructor, Bethanie Frank. The cast includes Cheyenne Burgett as Jessie and Ashley Lundblade as Mama. Both students are from Wichita, Kansas. The role of the Narrator is being played by Jessika Hamrick from Silver Lake, Kansas. Brianna Spence from Lawrence, Kansas, is serving as the production stage manager. For more information, please call 620-251-7700 ext. 2188 .