The Governing Bylaws of the Student Government Association of Coffeyville Community College
Ratified by the Student Association on 2/10/11
ARTICLE I. The Student Government Association
This organization shall be known as the Student Government Association of Coffeyville Community College (a.k.a. SGA).
The Student Government Association acts as a liaison between Coffeyville Community College student body and the faculty, administration, and institutions of higher education throughout the State of Kansas. Their aim is, specifically, to maintain and improve the effectiveness of educational, cultural, and entertainment programs and services as they affect the students at the college campus.
SGA shall have all herein defined aggregate authority and jurisdiction over all non-academic and non-institutionally sponsored clubs, organizations, and activities herein provide for, and shall delegate that authority to its duly elected Executive Officers who shall comprise the governing body of SGA. All powers not here in defined shall be retained by the individual students.
A. The Student Government Association shall consist of students currently enrolled at Coffeyville Community College, who are in good standing, as defined by the Bylaws. Members shall consist of Scholarship, Class Senators, and Organization Representatives. All senators and representatives will be recognized as the formal members of the Student Government Association, and therefore are to adhere to all Student Government Association regulations, including Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised. All members must meet the criteria set forth in Article I Section 3-B of the Bylaws.
B. Any currently enrolled student who possesses a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0, and is currently enrolled in a minimum of twelve (12) semester hours, and is in good standing will be eligible for membership.
a. If a member's cumulative grade point average falls below the minimum requirement, S/he will be placed on a probationary period of one academic semester. If the cumulative grade point average does not again rise to or above the accepted requirements, s/he will be removed from the organization or lose their scholarship, relative to Article I Section 3-A and B, respectively.
C. Any member desiring to resign from membership must submit a written resignation to the Advisor. Any member receiving scholarship desiring to resign from membership with the understanding that their scholarship will not be renewed the following semester.
A. To promote a continuous exchange of ideas and opinions between the students, faculty, and the administration.
B. To cooperate with the administration in promoting the regulations and policies of the university.
C. To provide a fun and safe environment for students outside of the classroom.
D. Pass legislation to promote and enhance the general welfare of Coffeyville Community College.
E. To assist in broadening the intellectual, cultural, and recreational opportunities and capabilities of the student body.
F. Determine the rules and procedures under which the SGA will operate.
G. Initiate disciplinary action against any member of the SGA found in violation of this Constitution or related legislative articles.
H. Approve or reject Organizations by a 2/3 vote after the organization has petitioned to become voting members of the SGA.
This organization shall exercise all powers vested in such a body provided these do not conflict with the provisions set forth in the Coffeyville Community College Student Handbook.
Section 1. Organization
A. The Student Government Association will be advised by the Associate Director of Student Life.
B. SGA will consist of Scholarship members, Class Senators, and Organization Representatives.
C. Class Senators shall be any student wanting to participate in SGA.
D. Organization Representatives shall be members nominated by other CCC student organizations or athletic programs.
Section 2. Duties
A. Executive Officers- The executive officers of the SGA shall be: President, Vice President, and Secretary. Their purpose is to direct the functions of the Student Government Association and to represent the Student Government Association when necessary.
a. Office of President:
i. Official spokesperson and representative of the Coffeyville Community College Student Body unless otherwise specified.
ii. Preside at all meetings of the SGA according to Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
iii. Recommend such measures to the SGA as shall be judged expedient.
iv. Appoint any committee or other officers not provided for in the Bylaws with the majority approval of the SGA.
v. Have the power to recommend the dismissal of any committee member.
vi. Cast the deciding vote in case of a tie.
vii. Have the power to call special meetings.
viii. Be an ex officio member of the SGA committees.
ix. Appoint student representatives to College committees and SGA committees.
x. Prepare the agenda prior to each SGA meeting.
xi. Stay informed of the SGA rules and regulations and of the activities of all officers and committees by the Vice President.
xii. To see that all committees are appointed and that all officers and committees work in close cooperation to fulfill their duties and responsibilities with the Vice President.
b. Office of the Vice President:
i. Perform the duties of the President upon the temporary or permanent absence or disability of that officer.
ii. Be a voting member of the SGA.
iii. Assist the President in coordinating all the facets of the SGA.
iv. Act as SGA Parliamentarian.
v. Oversee all committee chairs and report activity to the President.
c. Office of the Secretary
i. Take minutes of all SGA meetings, retaining these in a permanent record book. Keep record of all members present and absent and prepare copies of the minutes for distribution within two days following meeting.
ii. Post notices and agendas of all SGA meetings.
iii. Keep SGA records
iv. If the Secretary is not present at a meeting, the presiding officer shall appoint a SGA member to take minutes.
v. Make copies of all mail-out correspondence including minutes for members after receiving approval by the advisor.
B. Scholarship Members
a. Be an active voting member of the SGA.
b. Maintain all forms of eligible membership stated in Article I Section 3.
c. Attend all SGA meetings.
d. Chair at least one committee during the course of the academic year.
e. Research new ways to improve SGA events.
f. Serve weekly in the Student Life office as scheduled by the Advisor. Office hours shall not exceed two hours per week.
C. Class Senators
a. Be an active voting member of SGA.
b. Maintain all forms of eligible membership stated in Article I Section 3.
c. Attend all SGA meetings.
d. Chair and/or serve on committees during the academic year.
e. Act as a liaison for the students of each class. They will report issues and concerns of the students to the Student Government Association for review.
D. Organization Representatives
a. Be an active voting member of SGA.
b. Maintain all forms of eligible membership stated in Article I Section 3.
c. Attend all SGA meetings.
d. Chair and/or serve on committees during the academic year.
e. Act as a liaison for the students of each organization. They will report issues and concerns of the students to the Student Government Association for review.
f. Follow all guidelines set in Article II, Section 3.
E. All Members will be expected to fulfill other responsibilities as assigned by the president and/or Advisor.
F. Advisor
a. Attend each meeting and oversee the business and parliament procedures.
b. Check conduct of members and guests, along with upholding the standards of SGA.
c. Meet regularly with the President and Vice President.
d. Provide office hours daily for members.
Section 3. Organizational Representatives
A. All organizations meeting the membership requirements of the SGA shall elect at least one representative by a plurality vote of all active membership or appointed by the advisor. Freshman students shall be elected or appointed no later than two weeks after the start of the semester. Sophomore students shall be elected or appointed no later than the end of the previous Spring Semester. This representative may not hold concurrently any other position in SGA.
B. All academic, social and service organizations are included in SGA membership. They must attend all SGA meetings and other meetings as directed by the President to remain in good standing with the College. Failure to attend will result in revocation of voting privileges and inability to apply for SGA funds for a calendar year from the time of the infraction.
C. To be a voting member of the SGA, the organization must meet the following requirements:
a. Have an active membership as outlined in the student organization requirements.
b. Must be in good standing with the college.
c. Must petition the SGA to become a voting member. Once approved, franchise is renewed each semester, as long as the organization continues to meet all other eligibility requirements.
D. All other organizations wishing to be a part of the SGA must petition the SGA to become a voting member. Once approved, franchise is renewed each semester, as long as the organization continues to meet all other eligibility requirements.
Section 4. Election
A. Nominations for Executive officers shall be presented to the organization by any member of SGA two weeks prior to elections.
a. Voting shall be held two weeks after nominations are presented to the organization and shall be secret ballot.
i. The President and the Advisor shall collect the ballots and leave the meeting room to count them. The Advisor shall keep the ballots and discard them at a later time.
b. Vacancies which occur after elections and before the spring semester begins shall be filled by a chapter vote for such vacancies.
B. Qualifications:
a. To be eligible for an executive office, a member must meet the qualifications specified in Article I, Section 3.
i. Criteria for the President are having a minimum of twenty four (24) credit hours and/or sophomore standing and an active Scholarship member.
ii. Criteria for the Vice President include having a maximum of forty (40) credit hours and/or freshman standing and a Scholarship recipient.
b. To be eligible for a Class Senator, senators must meet the qualifications specified in Article I, Section 3.
i. Class Senators may apply at any time during the academic year.
ii. Senators shall be voted in by current members of SGA with Advisor approval by a majority vote.
iii. There may be no more than three senators for each class.
iv. Class Senators shall enter a pledge of service during the first SGA meeting after their election or appointment.
The pledge shall be administered by the current SGA president as follows:
“As a member of the Student Government Association, I will do my best to serve the students, faculty and administration of Coffeyville Community College. I will lead by example in volunteering my time and energy to enhance the flow of ideas at this college, and will faithfully perform the responsibilities of my office.”
Section 1. Regular Meetings
A. Meetings will be held bi-monthly.
a. The regular meeting time and place will be established at the first Student Government Association meeting.
b. The Student Government Association members are expected to attend all meetings and be there on time.
B. Prior to missing a meeting, or in the case of an emergency, after the meeting, a member must fill out an absence excuse form to be reviewed by the Advisor. The Advisor will then deem whether the absence is excused or unexcused. Upon receiving two unexcused absences membership will be deemed void.
C. The order of business at all regular Student Government Association meetings will be:
(1) Call to Order
(2) Introduction of Guest Speaker
(3) Approval of Minutes
(4) Report of Officers
(5) Unfinished Business
(6) New Business
(7) Open Forum
(8) Advisor’s Report
(9) Adjournment
Section 2. Robert’s Rules of Order, newly revised
A. Robert's Rules of Order, newly revised, will be the authority on all questions of parliamentary law not addressed by the Bylaws.
Section 3. Programming
A. Provide activities for CCC students throughout the school year. These activities shall be determined by SGA and must be approved by the advisor. SGA should host a minimum of three activities per semester.
B. Support all campus and civic organizations involving CCC.
C. Organize and carry out a minimum of one community service project a semester.
Section 1.
A. Any amendments to these Bylaws must not violate campus, college, or Board of Trustees Rules.
Section 2.
A. The Bylaws may be amended by the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Student Government Association members, provided that no vote will be taken on the proposal to amend the bylaws unless advanced written, posted, and verbal notice has been communicated at two prior Student Government Association meetings.
Section 3. Ratification
A. The Bylaws shall be established following ratification by a majority vote of the SGA Executive Board Members following the approval of the Administration of CCC.
B. Upon ratification, no section shall be altered by SGA or Administration without prior notification. In the case of SGA, a general Vote for the purpose of determining the withdraw of a section. In the case of the Administration, oral or written justification for the removal of a section.